If you disconnect a digital video camera when Media Import is running and then reconnect it, the Preview window may be black when you select the camera in the devices list. Preview window goes black when a video device is disconnected and reconnected while Media Import is running. DVD camcorder is connected but not detected.Errors occur during capture or Smart Scan when DV camera controls are used.Media Import does not detect change in mode of DV camera.The Smart Scan feature does not detect scenes correctly.Media Import hangs if an active USB video capture device is disconnected.Feedback is heard during capture from a web camera.Web camera does not appear in list of devices on the Photo page.No audio is previewed during preview or capture from a web camera.MPEG2 hardware device does not support PAL standard.Media Import hangs when launching the dialog for the All-in-Wonder X800 analog capture card.

"Select video device failed" error occurs.